Veteran Teuna Bongers is back! And she is sharing beautiful stories and experiences! Thank you, tashakur!

After Amir offers me the biscuit that he just got at the ShowerPowr house, he translates for his mother that she would really love to have a house again, and that I should come and visit them once they have a place to live. Yes, that’s what you do when you visit people, you invite them in return, especially when you are from a culture in which hospitality is important. The longing for a home, instead of a tent in the mud without amenities resounds in this invitation.
Last week there were two American volunteers in the ShowerPower house. It’s quite something to come all the way from the United States to offer their hospitality to the women and children from Moria. Every evening we tell each other what we experienced that day. The term ‘grateful’ is used several times every evening. Grateful because our guests keep in saying ‘thank you’ and ‘tashakur’, because they appreciate being our guests for two hours, at times it makes us uncomfortable. When we say goodbye we thank them for taking the effort to visit us. Like you do in normal life, thank your guests for coming.
The effort we put in at the ShowerPower house to receive our guests is nothing compared to the effort they made to come here and to make these beautiful, dignified meetings possible. That is what makes US grateful.